Thursday March 27th

I haven't posted because I don't have any new pictures but it's been a couple of weeks so I thought I should check in anyway.
Last week we had torrential rains and half the state was flooded. That kind of weather makes me glad I'm on the mountaintop! We had about 10 inches here and the only problems were the low spot on the driveway where water drains into the pond. My neighbor said it was impassable last tuesday, I didn't see it till wednesday when there was about 6" of water. But my truck passed through that just fine. My little pond in the back overflowed till the water was halfway across the garden. As of yesterday the pond is still full and the ground is still wet back there.
Other than that, the weather is finally warmer! Spring is officially here! About time!

Wednesday March 12th

Yesterday was a gorgeous day and I spent most of it starting my spring yard clean-up. After I came in I saw these two Pilated Woodpeckers in the backyard. How cool is that? I rarely see them and never more than one at a time. There must have been a hawk circling above or something.

Tuesday March 11th

We had our snowstorm friday and saturday.Eight inches!
In March!

The birds didn't like it much. By sunday afternoon it was mostly melted, leaving behind a muddy mess.

Monday was back to almost normal and the rest of the week is supposed to be in the 60s.


Thursday March 6th

Yesterdays picture. The mini daffodils are starting to bloom.
Today it's sleeting, tonight we're expecting a snowstorm. Up to NINE inches. Eeek! Me and the pups are hunkered down.

Tuesdy March 4th

It's official. The weather is schizophrenic. Sunday was 72, spring was springing and this morning I woke up to 4 inches of snow! Hopefully it's winters last gasp.

Sunday March 2nd

Yesterday was a beautiful day so after I worked in the yard a bit and puttered with plants I went down to the creek. Nothing's green yet but it's still lovely.

Saturday March 1st

Finally! A few signs of spring! The crocus are up and the daffodil greenery is peeking out. It's been a loooong winter. The last few days have been sunny and 60s and I've been able to get outside and enjoy it. Tomorrow it'll be 72. Of course they're calling for SNOW monday night and a high tuesday of 38! Winter isn't quite over but it's on it's way out.