August 24, 2012

I've been reminiscing a lot lately and going through some old pics. I found these of when we first bought the house.
When I saw them my first thought was - Oh. My. God. WHAT were we thinking!?! I can't believe we bought that piece of crap!
On second thought, I think - we were right! We could turn it into a Great Home. And we DID.
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August 18, 2012


A good friend I never met passed away thursday. Lynn Hudson, aka LynnNChicago. I hope she's looking down from above and seeing how many lives she impacted in such a positive way.

Godspeed Lynn!

(The picture above is an inside joke and you'd have to "know" her to understand how funny it is. Good Times!)

August 14, 2012

Tough times lately thinking about Mike. He would have turned 50 on July 30th. Our 10th anniversary was August 12th and the fifth anniversary of his death was August 13th. Also, I'm home and I always feel closer to him here.
 Honeymoon at the Grand Canyon August 2002
My favorite pic

He was drunk on the above picture, lol. Who cares - it's cute. He was the best person I ever met in my life and I miss him every day.