
Today was a good day. Perfect weather and Mike took a walk around the yard with me then sat on the porch for awhile. Doesn't sound like much but it was really great to have him out and about. He's starting to lose his hair now so I took that last picture just in time. Tomorrow we'll give him a short haircut.

1 comment:

betty said...

hey you guys,
good to hear from you.
you got mike to go outside and walk around the yard, that is great.
it is good that the medicine is helping his pain.
let us know what the dr. says on his next visit.
tell him we wish him well with his next chemo. treatment.
how is his appetite doing? is he still able to eat snacks without vomiting? hope he is. everyone here says tell you& mike hi, they send there love.
i'll check in with you later.
love, betty, lee ray, & family