
Yesterday Mike hooked up the tractor to the bush-hog for me so I can cut the driveway and out front by the highway. It's looking pretty shaggy. Then he worked in the shop for a bit. He's building the cremation box for our ashes. That's distressing to me but has to be done I guess.
I weeded, weedeated, and mowed until the mower blades got too dull. This morning I was planning on finishing mowing (after Mike sharpens the blades if he's up to it) and then bush-hogging but it rained all night, everything's wet this morning so I'll run my errands instead.
Nothing new medically.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Good afternoon,
I'm not sure I understand why Mike is making a creamation box for the 2 of you. Jack ask why is he making one for you? This sounds troubling and serious. Do we have to worry about your health and safety? It doesn't sounds very healthy.