November 2010

November was also busy.
Had to find out what was wrong with my well, it turned out I had only 26 gallons of water with a half-gallon a minute return rate. In other words, I had to drill a new well. That took most of the month, off and on. Finally got the new (440 feet deep!) well online December 4th.

Meanwhile, rifle deer season opened on the 13th. Eric came up for the hunt and shot a nice 7 point opening morning -

I shot a 6 point that afternoon -

Spent the next several days cleaning, boning, and putting up deer meat. Also making my skull mounts. Finished that then shot this 8 point.

I've had enough deer stuff! It's hard work and I'm out of shape!
Barely finished all that and my Thanksgiving company came up for 6 days. Monique, Roy, Brandi and Eric. Brandi & Eric hunted but didn't see anything. Had lots of fun, food, and drinks. Of course I forgot to take pictures!
The last two days of the month I RESTED. Whew.

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