I'm back in Louisiana since monday. It's been raining nonstop so I haven't worked much yet. While I was home last time I was super busy trying to get caught up - and hoping to get a little ahead. (wishfull thinking there!)

Eric came up for a bow hunt. (We're doing a swap hunt, I'll be at his camp for rifle hunting this weekend). While he was there we built a box blind! Woo Hoo! I've been wanting one FOREVER! I say "we" but really HE built it. I just helped. It's awesome!
I thought the deer would be spooked for awhile, but obviously not - this pic is from the morning after we put it in place -

I managed to get it mostly painted before I left -

Cool, huh? I'll finish it when I get home.
Just realized I haven't visited your blog in some time. I love the pics and update. Thanks for sharing.
Dena, had a great time at the camp ground. It was wonderful meeting you and Tux. Let us hear from you soon. You have a beautiful home, I see why you love it so much. Ronnie and I hope to see you in AR soon.
Keep in touch.
Linda, Ronnie & Maggie
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