Friday November 9th

November 2006
Deer season opens tomorrow, I'll be out hunting bright and early. Here's a pic of Mike and a nice 8 point he got last year. Maybe next post I'll have one of my own. Can't believe it's been almost 9 years since I shot a deer. I guess having someone else to bring home the meat makes you a lazy hunter.
We had our first freeze tuesday night, other than that it's been pretty nice. I've been mostly doing yard work lately. The leaves fall faster than I can clean them up but I don't want it piling up and having a huge mess later. And I started working on the middle woods, it was 'almost' cleaned up a year ago but now it's full of branches and vines again. Hopefully it'll look like the back yard one day and I'll have continous yard down to the garden instead of yard/woods/garden. Or not. Ha.

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