Friday November 30th

Gus and Colleen are the couple who came and took the shed, Gus is an avid photographer and took bunches of photos of our demolition project. He's posted them on the web and you can see them here:
Make sure to click on the slideshow - the captions are great!

Wednesday November 28th

Look what was waiting on my doorstep last wednesday morning......a copperhead! Eeeeek! I put on my rubber boots, grabbed a shovel, and he's in snake heaven now.

It's been a pretty sucky week. Thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, and monday were cold, windy, and rainy so I was stuck in the house with serious cabin fever. Coco (the 11 year old german shepherd) has been going down for weeks and died friday night. I buried her saturday morning. Now it's just me, Tux, and Cheyenne. Sigh.

On the good side - the weather has been gorgeous the last 2 days and the old shed in the front yard is gone. I put it on Freecycle for the wood and had a nice couple come out and get it. We spent the last 2 days tearing it down. (whew, I'm sore!). All that's left is a burn pile and shingles to haul off and I'll have a nice spot in the yard instead of an eyesore.

To make up for the ugly snake pic - here's a pretty moonrise at sunset from the backyard.....

Monday November 19th

This was the view out the back window this morning. The first hunting season ended yesterday. I swear, critters keep a calendar too. The only other deer I've seen in the last 2 weeks was last thursday when the wind was howling about 40mph. I didn't even think about going out because deer HATE the wind. Walked past the back window about 5pm and there were 3 of them prancing around the garden. I think they're laughing at me. Heh.

Wednesday November 14th

I haven't seen any deer yet but I haven't been hunting too much. The weather is terrible for hunting, hot (78 yesterday!) and super windy. The season ends sunday then restarts the 22nd to Dec 2. After that there's only the 3 day christmas hunt.
The picture is the view from my tripod stand in the middle woods, overlooking the garden area. You can't see the fruit trees at this time of year but they're in there.

Friday November 9th

November 2006
Deer season opens tomorrow, I'll be out hunting bright and early. Here's a pic of Mike and a nice 8 point he got last year. Maybe next post I'll have one of my own. Can't believe it's been almost 9 years since I shot a deer. I guess having someone else to bring home the meat makes you a lazy hunter.
We had our first freeze tuesday night, other than that it's been pretty nice. I've been mostly doing yard work lately. The leaves fall faster than I can clean them up but I don't want it piling up and having a huge mess later. And I started working on the middle woods, it was 'almost' cleaned up a year ago but now it's full of branches and vines again. Hopefully it'll look like the back yard one day and I'll have continous yard down to the garden instead of yard/woods/garden. Or not. Ha.

Saturday November 3rd

Last weekend I went to an after birthday spa retreat with Roxann (and Tux) at Lake Ouachita. It was great and a beautiful place. Thanks Mom! Here's a pic of me and Tux on the lake shore.

The weather this week has been perfect. Sunny and 60s every day. I've had a lot of running around to do but even that was pleasant because the drive to almost anywhere is just gorgeous right now with the fall colors. Funny, last weekend there were hardly any colors but now all of a sudden - wow.