
Yesterday was a long but uneventful day. Mike had about 15 minutes of medical stuff but we were at the hospital till 5 and not home till almost 7. Lab tests showed he had a low blood (hemoglobin?) count so they gave him a shot for anemia. His legs and feet are swollen so they gave him a diuretic prescription. Doctor seemed suprised that the chemo hadn't made him sick. Next appointment will be next week, probably thursday, for the 2nd chemo treatment.


betty said...

het you guys,
what is making mike's legs and feet swell, and low blood count? is it from the chemo? hope he is feeling better. hope the medicine helps him.
sorry you guys had to stay so long at dr. visit. hope you got some rest.
i'll check in with you guys later.
love, betty, lee ray, &family

Lee said...

Thanks for the update. Thinking of you and hoping that you will enjoy a restful weekend. Paula and Dad joins me in sending you lots of love.