
Fridays radiation was another quick and easy trip. It was the 7th radiation so we have 8 to go. With next wednesday off that means the final one would be thursday of week after next.
Mike's mom got here safe and sound but late, 8:30. So we had a long day. Didn't get to bed till almost midnight.


Thursdays radiation was quick and easy again.
I got the truck fixed then mowed a little since it's not raining. Talked to Mike's mom, she'll be here friday afternoon till sunday. His cousin is driving her.


Rain, rain, and more rain. Ugh.
Tuesday and wednesday radiation appointments went well. Mike says it's helping the pain already.
I'm just busy trying to keep up with my normal stuff while going to Little Rock everyday. Yesterday I had to take the truck into the shop to find out what was wrong with it, today I have an appointment to get it fixed. I sure don't need it breaking down right now.


Today we had a radiation appointment then an appointment at the infusion center for the anemia shot. It would've been pretty quick except for the time between appointments and the wait at the infusion center. (Mike had his first wheelchair ride with me driving, I don't think he was too impressed. Ha.)
Tomorrow is only radiation so it'll be a short day.


The weekend was cruddy. It stormed most of saturday and sunday so we were stuck in the house. Mike wasn't doing too well, he spent both days in his recliner dozing in and out.


Fridays appointment went really quick and easy. Mike was expecting an hour or more of torture (laying on his back - on the painful lump - on a metal table = excruciating pain), that's what they'd told him thursday. Instead he got what they said will be the usual treatment from now on, a 5 minute zap. We were in and out in 15 minutes. Whew.


Mike & Tux

Nothing new today, went to a radiation appointment, another one tomorrow. I took this picture this morning.


Yesterday was the first appointment at the radiation center. They did the prep and a scan and decided on an initial treatment of 3 weeks starting tomorrow. It might change to 6 weeks but for now we're scheduled for 15 treatments, every day except weekends. Mike is frail and weak, I'm hoping the everyday trips to Little Rock don't wear him out too much. They have some possible housing options but it's better if we can be home. We'll just have to see how it goes.

They offered a wheelchair for the days he also has appointments at the cancer center too (about a block away). So that'll be easier on him than if I drove him and he had to get in and out of the truck then walk to the doctors offices.

They weighed him too, and he's lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I'd been wondering why the scales hadn't shown any weight loss but I could see it. Must have been the fluid build up. He's still pretty swollen, can't wear his shoes or wedding ring, but not half as much as before.


Here's one from better times.


Here's a picture I took of Mike last wednesday. Yes, he looks bad, but actually the picture is better than he looks in person. He's looking pretty rough after the last chemo treatment.


Happy Fathers Day!
Another quiet weekend here, it's too hot and muggy to do anything outside.
Mike's still feeling pretty good, the fluid pills are starting to work now that he's okayed by the doctor to take 2 at a time. His feet and legs are getting close to normal again.


Yesterday we had the appointments. Lab, Doctor, Chemo. When we saw the doctor he sent Mike for an ultrasound to make sure the foot and leg swelling wasn't because of a blood clot. (It wasn't). He also addressed the lump on Mike's back where most of the pain is. He's going to try radiation on that spot. The first radiation appointment is tuesday and it's supposed to be 5 days in a row. I'm not sure if it's ONE 5 day treatment or a series of 5 day treatments, we'll find out tuesday. (I wasn't sure which the doctor meant). He wants Mike to come in once a week for a shot for anemia too, so it looks like we'll be on the road a lot for awhile.

Other than all that, Mike says he's feeling pretty good. He's been eating, not much at a time, but regularly.


Almost 7 o'clock and we're just getting home. Loooong day and we're exhausted. I'll fill in the details in the morning. Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired. I'm only checking in now so nobody worries we're in the hospital again or something.


Today was another pretty good day. Perfect weather again and Mike came outside for awhile. This morning he took the clippers to his head and cut his hair 'almost' all off. Eeeek. Better than letting it fall out in in clumps though. His legs and feet are more swollen now even with the water pills so it's good we're going to the doctor tomorrow.


Today was a good day. Perfect weather and Mike took a walk around the yard with me then sat on the porch for awhile. Doesn't sound like much but it was really great to have him out and about. He's starting to lose his hair now so I took that last picture just in time. Tomorrow we'll give him a short haircut.


We have our new appointments. Thursday - Lab at 10:15am, Doctor at 11:40am, Chemo at 12:30pm. Chemo takes 2 hours, if all goes well we'll be leaving home at 8:15 and home around 4:30.

Yes, Mike is pale. He hasn't been outside lately except to sit on the porch for a few minutes. The new pain pills (morphine 100mg, 2x a day) work for the pain but leave him pretty tired most of the time. When he's not napping he doesn't have the strength to walk farther than a few feet - to the kitchen or bathroom - without getting worn out.


I finaly got Mike to sit outside for a photo today. Not great but here it is.


Tuxie in Cadron Creek

Cadron Creek

You can click the photos for full size.


I haven't been able to sign in to Blogger again.
Friday was another rainy day all day. (It doesn't look like we'll be complaining about drought this year). Everything is lush and green.
Saturday I needed to get out of the house for awhile and took Tuxie for a hike down to the creek. I'll post a couple of pictures later.
Today I'll probably get back to yardwork now that it's dried up a bit.
Mike's been spending pretty much 24 hours a day in his recliner, dozing off and on.
The leg swelling is a side effect of the chemo but probably from not moving around enough too.


Yesterday was a long but uneventful day. Mike had about 15 minutes of medical stuff but we were at the hospital till 5 and not home till almost 7. Lab tests showed he had a low blood (hemoglobin?) count so they gave him a shot for anemia. His legs and feet are swollen so they gave him a diuretic prescription. Doctor seemed suprised that the chemo hadn't made him sick. Next appointment will be next week, probably thursday, for the 2nd chemo treatment.

Wednesday Morning

Nothing new. I spent the day yesterday doing yardwork, Mike came outside for awhile and did a few things. Today is doctor day. I'll report in after.

Monday Morning

We had a quiet weekend, as usual. Mike is feeling a little better. He's able to eat, comfy in the recliner, and the new pain pills are working better than the patch did. He's weaker than ever though. Tires out walking from one room to the other.
We have a new doctors appointment wednesday. Not sure if there's chemo or not.

Friday Morning

Grand Canyon

I'm still having trouble signing in to blogger so if I miss a day, that's why.
I bought a recliner yesterday, Mike is finally resting in comfort. He hasn't been able to sleep in bed in a long time and the couch wasn't great either. So FINALY he has a place to sleep. Also, he's been able to eat snacks the last couple of days. That's good.
I've been trying to make the updates not too depressing but the fact is, he's not doing too good. I see him wasting away before my very eyes. Every day it takes less and less to wear him out. We're hoping and praying that the chemo will help but after only one treatment it's hard to say what's going to happen. From what I've read about Stage 4 lung cancer and what the doctors have told us - treatment is only to increase the length and quality of life. And not by much. His doctor says the best we can hope for is a year to a year and a half, with treatment. Unless he stops going downhill soon I just don't see him lasting nearly that long.