
Well, I guess I phrased that wrong. What I meant to say is that Mike is working on the box (urn) for our cremation ashes. We plan to both be cremated and both of our ashes will (eventually) be in the same box. So - he's making ONE box, for TWO peoples ashes, not necessarily put in it at the same time.


Roxann said...

lol. thanks for clarifying! hopefully, NEITHER of you will need it anytime soon. But knowing Mike, it will be a work of craftsmanship worthy of artistic display in the meantime :)

betty said...

hey you guys,
hopefully it will be a very long time before mike or you for that matter will need the box. but i know with mike's excellent wood working skills, the box will be beautiful.
it feels sort of sad to be talking this way, so like i said hopefully you both won't need the box for a very long time.
talk to you guys later.
love, betty, lee ray & family